SMILE DUO je bilo v letu 2014,,en,IULIA je mlad profesionalni jazz in pop pevka,,en,Viacheslav pianist, klaviaturist in pevec,,en,Naša duo izvaja od prizoriščih po vsem svetu (U.A.E, Ciper, Turčija), kot tudi potniške ladje,,en,Mi perfoming veliko različnih pesmi iz 60-ih let, da predstavijo klepet,,en,Repettoire E; lite Duo je širok in izhod, ki ponuja eklektična mešanica iz mednarodne jazz standarts za Modern pojavnem Hits,,en,IMG_0670,,en,umetniška |       nasmeh duo,,mt
IULIA is young professional jazz and pop singer
VIACHESLAV pianist,keyboard player and singer
Our duo performed of venues throughout the world (U.A.E,Cyprus,Turkey) as well as cruise ships
We perfoming great variety of songs from 60s to present chat

The repettoire of E;lite Duo is expansive and exiting,offering an eclectic mix from International Jazz standarts to Modern Pop- Hits