front teddy

An Exciting Live Music Show Band

Ustanovljena na Hrvaškem, ki igrajo po Evropi kot koncertni pasu v številnih klubih, diskotekah na Hrvaškem, v Sloveniji, Italiji, Avstriji, Švici, Skandinaviji, Mallorca, Kanarskih otokih, Karibih itd

Teddy Lion selection has published 5 albums for the Austrian discography houses: MCP records (Austria), VM-records (Euro trend music) and KOCH Musikverlage Germany which have sold more than 100.000 CD's along Europe, and MCP records Austria has awarded the Teddy Lion Selection with GOLDEN DISC award.​

We are Polivalent, with wide repertoire of music like: Pop, Rock, Evergreens etc. Very affordable at price, and above all, Professional Music Group that can, and will satisfy all your gala evenings, parties and any other happenings! Their reputation guaranties that.
