Skupina Art
Vsa glasba se izvaja v živo z akustičnimi bobni in dodatkom light showa. Glede repertoarja smo zelo prilagodljivi, saj igramo od narodno zabavne glasbe, pop, rock , jugo itd. Sebi in svojim gostom boste tako zagotovili...
1000 Str.’ meets Les Babettes
The swing verve of the close harmony trio LES BABETTES finally meets the captivating sound of THE 1000 STREETS’ ORCHESTRA big band, for a musical show full of liveliness and elegance. Since 2013 Les Babettes female...
Oneiric, lysergic, eclectic, furious, irreverent… RADIO*ZASTAVA are unique within the varied scenario of European bands with an Ethno Balkan music background. Active since 2005 and coming from the multi-cultural town of Gorizia, the eight members o... read more
Hard Lemonade
"Hard Lemonade was born in 2013 by an idea of the volcanic and spectacular Luca Bitti, singer and frontman of the band and well know in Trieste and Friuli Venezia Giulia as Jack Rabbit Slim DJ....
Skupina Amor
Skupina Amor je na sceni prisotna že več kot 15 let. Energična glasbena skupina, z raznolikim in širokim repertoarjem tujih in domačih uspešnic, prihaja iz Krasa. Poleg priredb ustvarjajo tudi avtorsko glasbo. O tem govorijo tudi nj... read more