Manu goes to Maribor
Repertoar: Cyndi Lauper-Girls Just Want To Have Fun / Michael Jackson-Beat It / Madonna-Material Girl / Bananarama-Venus / Queen-I Want to Break Free / Lionel Richie-All Night Long / A-ha-Take On Me / Tina Turner-The Best...
A TRIBUTE SHOW TO ABBA The high-level illusion of the biggest Swedish legend, was formed in 1999. Their first success was not long in coming. After only a short time found themselves in Spain, they traveled...
NASTOP S CITRAMI TANJA ZAJC ZUPAN je skozi leta igranja izoblikovala svoj prepoznaven in edinstven zven. S citrami je posnela več instrumentalnih albumov iz priljubljenega repertoarja svetovne glasbene zakladnice, dve zgoščenki z bo... read more